Health & Fitness

How PCOS Affects Weight Loss Efforts

Tips to shed weight with PCOS for woman. A guide of the health conditions and how it restricts weight loss. ...

Dealing with PCOS is a challenge, and the effects it has on your body can be difficult to manage - especially when it comes to weightloss. Even if you try to reverse the symptoms, it's not always easy.

With the internet at our fingertips and research on PCOS always improving, we are now able to explain the complicated relationship between PCOS and weight loss. Additionally, we can let you in on how to make a good diet and exercise plan even better.

For too long, women's illnesses have been trivialized and downplayed as 'women's issues,' which has resulted in a lack of research and understanding. However, times are changing now, and scientists are working hard to find ways to manage these diseases while also promoting healthy lifestyles consisting of regular exercise, healthy diets, and more.

What Is PCOS?

PCOS, or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, is diagnosed by the presence of cysts on ovaries as well as an irregular menstrual cycle. It also causes fertility issues and excessive hair growth on the body, which can be uncomfortable for many sufferers.

If not done properly, irregular or heavy bleeding with severe pain, sudden weight gain, and a resistance to weight loss are some of the many effects it can have on your body.

Why is it challenging to lose weight when you have PCOS?

The root of the problem hormone-wise creates an inability to turn sugar into energy, so they body instead uses proteins and lipids.

An increase in insulin also causes an abnormal increase of male hormones, which leads to extra hair growth, weight gain (particularly around the abdomen), and acne. abdominal weight is most dangerous because it often indicates cardiovascular problems.

Weight loss with PCOS: EASY tips to help you shed pounds

The most crucial thing you can do is to find a reputable doctor that won't dismiss your concerns. It's best if this specialist is an endocrinologist who has studied the effects of hormone imbalances and knows about potential side effects. With that in mind, here are some ideas for healthy weight loss routines you can follow at home, but only after getting clearance from your doctor:

  1. 1. Eat foods high in fiber: This includes salads and any other foods that you enjoy eating. Cucumbers can be a great treat because they're juicy and ideal for this kind of diet.
  2. 2. Eat small meals throughout the day instead of large meals: This will help to regulate your insulin levels
  3. If you want to start mild exercise, choose something you enjoy, like aerobic dance, jogging or running, or skipping rope. Gradually increase the amount of time you spend exercising until you reach thirty minutes per day. Notice if it makes you exhausted or helps you become more active. 
  4. If you smoke cigarettes, check with your doctor about quitting in a healthy way. Smoking can worsen the effects of your disease.
  5. Learning to love yourself is one of the most important steps on your weight loss journey. If you cannot accept yourself, it will be difficult to become the best version of yourself. Remember that self-love is a process and not something that happens overnight. Be patient with yourself and strive to become the best and healthiest version of yourself!

A Good Support Group

Having a support system is crucial when you're trying to lose weight and manage PCOS. It can be tough, but connecting with others in similar situations can make all the difference. Here are some statistics on PCOS and weight loss to help motivate you!