Though many people believe that wine tastes best when it's been aged for years, this kind of wine is usually very expensive. Good news though-you can make delicious wine at home without breaking the bank! By following a few simple steps, you can create homemade wine that rivals any age-old Vintage. And what's more, you get to do it all from the comfort of your own kitchen.
Making wine at home is a fun and delicious way to spend an afternoon, A big batch like this recipe will make 2.5 liters, which is perfect if you're just getting started. You can find all the ingredients for this homemade wine at your local grocery store.
Ingredients Needed For Winemaking
Contrary to popular belief, winemaking is simpler than brewing alcohol at home.
In order to make wine at home, you will need: 1.5 to 2 cups of sugar; and 0.5 gallon of grape juice. The kind of grape juice you buy is dependent on the type of wine preferred. For example, white grape juice is used for making white wines whereas red grape juices are used in the production process of red wines. If a fruit-flavored wine is desired, any typeof100%fruit juice that does not have preservatives or other added ingredients that would kill yeast can be bought .
Also, you will need 1 packet of any active dry yeast is perfect for beginners, or you could even use wine yeast.
Equipment Required For Winemaking
The following is a list of supplies you need to begin making wine:
- A measuring cup
- A funnel
- An airlock serves the purpose of ventilation during fermentation while also protecting your wine from outside contaminants. If you don't have an airlock, a balloon can suffice.
- Bottling equipment consisting of glasses or jars for storage purposes.
Instructions To Start Making Wine
- Before you start, ensure everything is washed properly with hot water to avoid contamination. If your product becomes contaminated, it will be unusable.
- To start, pour out a cup of grape juice to make space for the other ingredients. Then, add 1.5 cups of sugar (or more/less depending on how alcoholic you want your wine to be). After you screw the cap back on, shake the juice and sugar mixture vigorously for at least a minute. This will ensure that the sugar is properly dissolved in the mixture.
- The entire packet of yeast you bought should be added to the mixture. Using a funnel for this is not mandatory, but it does make things neater. Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes so the yeast can moisten up, then shake it vigorously for 15-20 seconds. And that's it-the hardest part is now done!
- After uncapping the bottle, add an airlock or balloon on top of your container. If using a balloon, use a pin to poke 1-2 holes in the bottom third part near the top of the bottle. This way, carbon dioxide from yeast production will escape while alcohol stays inside. If the cap is put back on, either the bottle would explode due to pressure or yeast would get killed by carbon dioxide.
- Lastly, you will need to store your bottle in a cool and dark area. This is the ideal environment for yeast to work its magic. After a few weeks, you'll notice your wine bubbling and soon it will be ready to drink!
Now that you've learned how to make homemade wine, it's time to start hosting some unforgettable wine and cheese tastings at your home!