
Don't Get Left Behind: Recent SEO Trends You Need To Know

SEO is always changing. We've put together a list of predicted SEO trends that are sure to cause upheaval in the industry....

SEO is always changing. Its growth, development, and best practices ebb and flow with time, as we can see from its history and current trends. In the past, people have tried to garner a large number of references on other websites. It's possible that recent SEO trends will focus on something else entirely.

In light of this information, what's new in the SEO world? We've put together a list of predicted SEO trends that are sure to cause upheaval in the industry. We'll cover their origins , effects ,and how you capitalize off them .

A Move Away From Lengthy Content

If you want to engage and entrance your website visitors, you will need to switch to a long-form content strategy. Although short-form content (under 3,000 words) has been shown to be more popular in terms of traffic, sales, and shares; if you focus on providing high-quality long-form material instead,you can see significant improvement in site ranking via search engines. The key to making long-form content successful is holding the viewer's attention throughout.

Utilizing H3 and H2 subheadings to break up your content into smaller sections has been shown to work in keeping viewers engaged. This also makes it easier to skim for those who don't like reading on devices. The goal is to create bite-sized pieces of information that are relatively easy to navigate for readers, especially on mobile devices where large blocks of text can be overwhelming. Include clear sharing hyperlinks at both the beginning and end of your article so people can easily promote it with a single click.

Hello MUM, and goodbye BERT!

With the release of BERT in 2019, Google's algorithms not only improved their understanding of words, but also the intentions behind search terms. This was a huge shift that enabled Google to better serve users of voice recognition technology. Since more and more people are communicating verbally rather than through written text, Chrome and Google had to adapt their algorithms using NLP (natural language processing) and AI technology.

At the Google I/O 2021 event, Google introduced a new way of serving its customers, called the Multitask United Model, or MUM. MUM is an AI model that can understand a user's emotions and intent, and offer suitable replies. This means that users will get more accurate results with less effort - they won't have to keep asking different questions until they find the right one.

2 Structured Data Video SEO Tools

The 2021 Google I/O conference offered plenty of new advancements for those interested in video SEO, including the release of two new structured data formats - Clip Markup and Seek Markup. These markups are designed to help display important moments from videos on results pages. The Key Moments service is currently only accessible for Youtube channels, but any future service that plays videos will benefit from employing one of these organized data markups.

The Clip Markup tells Google of timestamps in movies while the Seek markup does so in a more automated way.

Predictive search has become more accurate and efficient

Initially, many people associated predictive text search with Google's autofill feature. However, predictive search is now more closely linked to Google Discover - a service that provides articles and videos to phone devices. Despite being relatively young, Google Discover has risen in importance and now boasts over 800 million users worldwide.

The algorithm may be difficult for marketers to understand because of the numerous variables at play, but predictive search is likely to become more common in information delivery methods. Google Discover also has the potential to help increase website visitors.

Google's algorithms are always changing, and as a result, SEO trends are also constantly changing. New technologies emerge all the time, which impacts how users interact with websites. As user behavior changes, so do the standards for good SEO.