
Upcoming plans? Here are some of the most gorgeous national parks worldwide for you to explore

A list of most gorgeous worldwide national parks to explore. A guide for your next global nature exploration journey....

National parks are extraordinary places found all over Earth that protect interesting ecosystems and wildlife while also providing humans the opportunity to explore them through hikes, mountain biking, rock climbing, etc. With such a diversity of national parks globally, you're sure to find at least one (or more!) that caters to your interests specifically. If you love exploring icy terrain, Vatnajokull National Park in Iceland is the perfect destination for you. Or, if animal watching is more your thing, Etosha National Park in Namibia won't disappoint. So get out there and explore all the amazing places our planet has to offer! Stop waiting and start adventuring today! Browse through our list of the best national parks and plan your trip now.

Vatnajokull National Park

Make sure you pack your warmest clothes for thisdestination! Vatnajokull National Park in Iceland will take your breath away with its colossal glaciers, towering waterfalls, and other natural wonders.

The park gets its namesake from the vast Vatnajokull glacier-the biggest one in Europe-but it's actually made up of three different parks: Caldera of Askja, Jokulsargljufur National Park, and Skaftafell National Park.

If the thought of only ice has already crossed your mind, put it out of your head. There's plenty more to do here. From riding snow bikes to exploring caves, you definitely won't get bored. And the best part? There is paid internet access here so you can upload some pictures of these magical sites and make all your friends back home jealous.

Serengeti National Park

The Serengeti National Park, located in Tanzania and Kenya's Maasai Mara, is a world-renowned tourist destination for good reason.

Maasai Mara National Park is one of the most gorgeous parks you'll ever see. The park's name literally translates to 'Endless Plains,' and it's easy to see why. Visitors typically come from May to July during annual migration season when millions of giraffes, zebras, gazelle, wildebeests make their way to Kenya in search of food and water.

Camp here for an unforgettable experience that you can preserve by keeping this park clean for others!

Yosemite National Park 

Did you know that Yosemite National Park is one of the most visited national parks in the US? Over millions of people flock to this stunning park each year to see its unforgettable landscapes, comprised of everything from pouring streams and lakes to clifftops and waterfalls. And let's not forget about the Sequoia Groves - home to some of the largest trees on Earth!

If you want to see the Yosemite Valley from a different perspective, Glacier Point is your best bet. From here, all routes in this park lead to Glacier Point. You will undoubtedly be amazed at the view! If hiking isn't really your thing, don't worry: there are still plenty of other options available to you, like rock climbing and golfing. And if that's not enough, you can always go horse riding. So basically, there's something for everyone here!

This park is perfect for bird watchers, as there are over 150 different species of birds. Don't forget to bring your binoculars so you can get a closer look! This is also a great spot for a family picnic, as there is something everyone will enjoy.

Yellowstone National Park 

Yellowstone National Park is perfect for anyone who loves spending time outdoors. With its beautiful lakes and towering peaks, it's no wonder this park attracts so many visitors each year. Yellowstone was established in 1872, making it the oldest National Park in existence. It's also located on the world's largest volcano, which makes it a truly unique destination. Visitors can enjoy seeing thousands of hot springs and mud pots while they're here - definitely something you won't find anywhere else!

Yellowstone is also a great place for wildlife watching, as there are black bears, wolves, elk, and other animals that you can see. Keep in mind that Yellowstone covers a large area - it spans from the northwest edge of Wyoming into Idaho and Montana. Make sure you're comfortable with walking, because you'll be doing a lot of it!

When it comes to national parks, time is of the essence! To ensure that you make the most of your vacation and end up at one of the world's best destinations, I've listed a few things below that you should bring on your journey. Besides clothes and other essentials, be sure to pack: 

- A pair of binoculars

- Your phone (for some amazing photos!)

- Water

- A hiking stick - And don't forget travel insurance!